The twins I never knew I had…….

Tonight Scotty got his little brother his first tricycle and it was easy to see how much it pleased them both. It even pleased Steph, who joined her brothers out on the sidewalk pushing Ben all around. He just cannot figure out the pedals.

After we went inside, Ben and Scotty went immediately onto the floor and spent their time playing and wrestling. I told Amanda that I have come to the realization that they are indeed twins, just twins who were born 14 years apart. They played and played, and the highlight was when it was time for bed. Ben went over and grabbed his “blankey” and then reached out and grabbed his trike. He pulled it to the bottom of the stairs and then said to Scotty, “stuck, help.” Pretty sweet, but no matter how cute it was, he wasn’t allowed to sleep with the bike. He was pretty disappointed too.

But it has been a long day and I am off to bed. Life is pretty great, and filled with many unexpected blessings….after all, today I just learned I have twins.

Goodnight and God Bless.


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