Up with the chickens…….

It is just 5:45, but I have been up a couple of hours. My sleep schedule is all goofed up for sure, but after a couple of services in a few hours and some work around the house, I should be able to get to bed and get back on track. I am sure that a lot of it is stress related. My laptop, which I hope to get back tomorrow, really helps me get a lot done in a day. Plus, I have been working on quite a few things on it too. My mind just races wondering how I plan to catch up….if I ever get it back of course! I suppose that is a task best left for tomorrow.

Anyway, while I had a moment I just wanted to check in. I will try and post again this evening (if I am still conscious!) But keep me in your prayers. It is going to feel like a long day! So unlike any other blog I have done….good morning to you my friends and God Bless! I will check in later!


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