Christ the King!!

Today Deacon Morgan and I spent all day in Kokomo to finalize our facility in that community. By 2:30pm we had secured and made plans to sign a lease for our fifth mission in less than three years, Christ the King Anglican Mission in Kokomo.

We are excited to get to this point there too. On Friday this was not the facility we planned upon, and actually as of noon today it wasn’t either. But when you open you heart to what the Lord is calling you to do, sometimes He surprises you! He certainly did so today! Christ the King will be a wonderful addition to our ministry across the state! Our launch date is September 12th! Keep praying that things continue to go along well!

Anyway, I will let this news stand alone! I certainly cannot top it, nor should I try. I will just give thanks to God for it, and ask that you do as well. He always blesses that with which He is pleased. And He is clearly smiling down on us and on Kokomo today!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

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