Working within the whirlwind……

It is hard to believe how much stuff I have had to put back onto my laptop, and how many times I find things I have forgotten. It seems to be taking forever, but the great part is that my email and Internet is back up and functioning. I am good to go, at least for now!

The best part was being able to update our website to reflect the new mission, Christ the King in Kokomo. Our website is fairly elaborate and it takes a lot of time to make certain all the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted. And of course with all the papers and such I have in front of me trying to catch up, it was always a potential disaster! Fortunately it all seems to be done….thank God!

Anyway, I need to get a few things done still tonight…including something I just remembered! I hope and pray you had a marvelous day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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