The problem appears to be SOLVE-ED!

Yep, I begin with a quote from my favorite actor….Peter Sellers. It seemed quite fitting in that I have been struggling for a couple of weeks to get my laptop back to full-function all while spending tons of time in Kokomo finishing up the new facility, Christ the King, that launches on Saturday.

I have had a little time this morning however, just enough time in fact, to put the final tweaks on the programs. The website program is now back, and of course now I am able to post here. It is amazing what we can accomplish if we just have the time!

And I got the time by heading out of town. I am currently in a hotel in Arcadia, California where I have been to attend the consecration of one of my friends, Doc Loomis. Doc is now a Bishop in the Anglican Mission in the Americas (AMiA) and of course the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). He will be a good one too. He is one of the hardest working guys I know, and a great and Godly leader. I was blessed to be a part. AND, I will talk about the service within the next few days and some of what has happened out here too.

I had a horrendous time getting out here with flights yesterday. I was to be here with 5 hours to spare, but it was only an hour after all the mess…..partly my fault, and partly United’s. But hopefully the trip home tonight will go better. I land at 1:08 am, and am scheduled to be in Kokomo early the next morning. Let’s pray I am not driving directly there! I have a meeting here to go to before heading to the airport. So far so good… is looking like a smooth day!

Thanks however to my wife for working so hard to make my coming out here not just easier, but possible. She is a great gal. But I will not wake her up tonight when I get home. When she is asleep she is still a great gal…..but to wake her up a great gal BEAR! I will make it up to her!

Surfer-land greetings to you all! I am looking forward to returning home….after all, I am not very narly dude.

God Bless!


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