Trying to remember is more than just The Fantasticks……

Dear Lord, this is turning into my once a day every five days or more blog, and to be honest it is really nagging at me. It took me so very long to finally get my laptop and software issues resolved, but now that they are, you would think I could get back into a rhythm. Of course that would indicate some sort of normal intelligence, so I suppose that this just may be par for the course. I certainly still feel as if I am underwater, and it doesn’t look like there is an end to it until mid-October.

The good news is that I still seem to be alive and kicking. Scotty was sick today, but everyone else seems fine. Ben has a lot more energy today than others days because Scott and he did not get to wrestle all afternoon to wear him out. And since Steph was doing homework there was no one to tag-team him with me. Amanda hurt her foot over the weekend, so wrestling is out for her, but she doesn’t like the tights and masks we wear anyway so she normally doesn’t take part….a real party-pooper she is!

But the day is ended and Scott seems better, Steph is back to her homework, Ben is in a bed (whose is hard to tell), but with Amanda missing I am pretty sure it’s ours. AND, this entry here is a testament not only to my ending the day, but the recovery of a little bit of my mind. It is frustrating to not remember, but it does feel good when I do. Please keep praying for me that my memory goes at least to “selective” because that is really the only damaged memory type I feel I could live with….i.e. “I really do not know who ate all that pizza.”

Anyway, it has been a blessed day, particularly the end. My hope and prayer is that yours was blessed as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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