
Tonight Amanda and I (and Ben) went to take pictures of all the girls and their dates going to Homecoming tonight. It is always a good time, and we got a lot of pictures. It was also a good break in my day.

Of course this is the last Homecoming for my daughter. She is a senior, and just about every marker we get to reminds me at this time next year she will be away at college. It is hard to think about her going, yet as I gather with her and her friends (many of whom I coach in lacrosse) I realize that she has grown into a fine young woman. She and her friends are some of the finest people I know, and in the midst of the fear that she will be leaving comes the comfort of knowing who she has become and where she is going.

Steph is having a great time tonight I know, and for her and her friends I am glad. I still have some work to do, and it will be a distraction. But the reality is that I have been blessed.

Off to do a bit more work! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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