Of promotions, or what I used to know as escapes…….

It has been a busy day, but a good one, as Ben has been finally kicked out of kindergarten and is now a first grader.  Of course he thinks that this entitles him to special privileges  but other than a celebratory dinner at the Golden Corral (his choice), he is going to meet a world of disappointment.

But as a guy who has completed what I once figured to be 28 years of skoolin, I have to say I still remember kindergarten.  Ben did better than I did, AND he completed the year without any trips (for discipline) to the Principal’s office (yes, he was not MY pal).  And he made lots of friends too.  And if I wore a hat (although NEVER in the house or building) I would shout “A big hats off to Mrs. Scott for getting him through the year.”

He did well too.  He is academically about his level and of course looks-wise he is off the charts!  He still is a bit of a klutz physically, but he did come to school a year early.  He will not be six for another three weeks.

So now his summer break has commenced.  He was a little upset as he really considers it summer brake, and was not happy to know he would not be in school every day.  He actually tried to ease his grandma into the fact that although she is here for the summer to watch him that it would have to be after school.  I think he was afraid she would be upset, but I think everyone is fine about everything but me.

After all, one full year of kindergarten and no trips to the principal, and he loves school.  His last name is Tirman but I think I need to have his DNA checked.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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