The Good Portion……….

Well, tomorrow morning I will head into the surgery center and have my knee “repaired,” or as repaired as it can be. I had it majorly re-hauled in 1995, and now I have just a torn meniscus. My ortho said “At our age, we generally just cut the damage out.” I however will push for a sew over a cut in the morning.

But it is just another routine bump in the road of guy who used to be an athlete, and still thinks like he is, but denies the reality of a 53 year old body. For those of you who know guys, and I mean don’t speculate, but really know them, you understand just what I mean. How in the world can I ever wrap my mind around not being able to do a jumping jack when I have a guy’s mind? In a few weeks, hopefully I can not have this be an issue. But for now it is just ridiculous, as I think “come on body, don’t you know who we are??”

Anyway, it’s either stitch stitch or sew sew, and I bet it will depend upon when he is in there….it always is that way, I know.

But regardless of the method, I am reminded of the things that really matter, and I have included them in the picture. Sure, it is the same one as my Facebook profile, but I really can’t look at it enough. I’ve done well in my life, and this picture represents what it means to me to be rich.

Off to bed to get a good sleep! I hope you have had a blessed day, whether you are delusional about your body or not. Mine is pretty spectacular.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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