A miss here and a miss there……

Okay, so I missed yesterday, but if it is any consolation I did get a lot done. In addition to all the work I did I was also able for the first time in a long time to see a Chicago Bears game, and then late in the night a Cubs game. Seeing the Bears reminded me of the countless times I spent my Sunday afternoons on my grandparents’ davenport watching the game with my grandpa as he watched from his chair. It’s great to have those memories! PLUS the Bears won!

Today I have worked all day in preparation for our Bishop’s visit this weekend. It is a lot to prepare for, but I am on top of it. Amanda had to be in Delaware for work on Wednesday and Thursday, and tomorrow is our anniversary, so I have a lot of balls in the air. We will actually go out for dinner tonight to celebrate. Yep, she is one lucky woman!! ha ha!

Today is actually Deacon Dan and Merry Ann Conley’s anniversary. Happy Anniversary to you both! They have taught me a lot about marriage. Merry Ann talks and Dan just listens…..it’s a great model that I ought to follow more! No no no…they are a great couple. Dan does get to talk occasionally!

As for me, it is off to the shower! Dinner is pretty soon and it will be at our favorite restaurant, Charlestons. So much for my diet, but it is a celebration! Ben will be joining us, so romance is it the air (as well as croutons, napkins, and whatever else he will be throwing). we are looking forward to it. It will be a great time.

I hope you day has been as blessed!

Thanks for checking in and God Bless!


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