Happy Anniversary to ME!

It is just before midnight on my anniversary and it has been an eventful night. To celebrate we went to “College Night” at the high school (a college fair) and toured around looking at colleges and talking to reps with Scott. Stephanie is a senior but had too much homework. Plus she is pretty sure she is going to a certain school already. Scott, on the other hand, has a wide-open world. He was SO excited and it was great to see him look at his future with such optimism.

Amanda flies out to Delaware very early in the morning, so why am I up at midnight? Because she left her corporate credit card at work (Lilly in downtown Indianapolis) so we left a little after 10 and she picked it up. She slept and I drove. And on the way back, she slept and I drove. Ben slept too. Now we are in bed, and she is asleep, Ben is too (between us), and I am typing to you…..but at least she has her card!! We are up in just 4 hours to help her load the car up and leave.

Anyway, it has been an eventful anniversary. Taco Bell, College Night, a quick trip to Indy, and now the opportunity to watch them both sleep. Exciting? Perhaps not, but it is my life and if anything it gives me a lot to write about!! How will I ever top it next year??

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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