The big weekend…..

It is Homecoming at NHS, and though the dance was last week, the game and parade were today. Of course last week it was sunny and warm. Today was rainy and cold….the perfect day to ride on a float with 20 or so teenage girls with sticks. Needless to say, I was glad to get to the peace and quiet of my own car. They are a great bunch of kids, and it was fun, but I am tired and it is great to be home.

My mother-in-law arrived this afternoon and the Bishop will arrive at about 11:30. By then I will be in bed, but tomorrow will be a big day. We will tour three of our churches with him and then a fourth on Sunday. I am looking forward to it.

But for now I have to go back and hang with Ben. Steph is at the game, Amanda and her mom are at the store, Scott is at work, and Ben and I are home. At 48 however, he needs to be supervising me!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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