Reporting on a blessed day…….

The Confirmation service went well and the Bishop was able to see three of our Mission Churches in one day. Tomorrow he will see the fourth. It is a lot of driving, but we wanted him to see all of them during his trip out to Indiana. Tomorrow in the morning we will head to Nashville to see the last.

It has been a real whirlwind, and though I am exhausted, it has been a lot of fun. My wife and mother-in-law have done a ton of work as well as the kids, and it has been appreciated by no one more than me. It has been a great weekend thus far.

But tomorrow is another day and an early one at that. I hope to be in bed early on Sunday, but I will worry about that then. I can only control now, so off to bed I go!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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