It seems now like all a blur, but the Bishop is gone, my mother-in-law has returned home, and I actually had a nap late this afternoon (unintentional in the middle of the Bears game). Fortunately for me, the nap was not too long and I was able see most of the game.

Stephanie and Scott are now both working and Ben is going to bed. Amanda will disappoint him as she leaves his room, but I am certain he will throw a fit. He as had a LOT of attention this weekend, and has been searching from his grandma. It is pretty hard for him since he really doesn’t understand why people leave. He cries when each of us goes to work or to school. But being a grandson myself, I know the stress of having grandma leave! I still do not do well with that one!

Tomorrow however things should be completely back to normal. I will be taking a little time in the morning to catch up on my mental and physical health and hopefully be back in full swing by noon. It is good to have all these things behind me.

Off to declare this weekend over! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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