Lacrosse lacrosse lacrosse…….

Indoor lacrosse started this evening, and Scott had a game as well as one of our women’s teams. The squad that my daughter plays on plays tomorrow.

In terms of Noblesville Lacrosse, there are a total of three men’s teams in indoor and two women’s teams. Tonight was a night like many, where Scott’s game and one of ours overlapped. It will chaotic I am sure until the regular season starts in March. It was just good to get back out on the field.

In our women’s game tonight we played Carmel. They are a constant rival and a great team to play. We got clocked, but I was very pleased. 4 of my 12 players were in their very first game and were learning not just the rules but how to play. They did great! And though my more experienced players wanted to get out there and really sock it to them, we all have our eyes focused on the prize. The regular season is where we want to win, and this is really development for us. The girls got A LOT of playing time….and by March we will not ave a worry in the world! Our squad that plays tomorrow has an equal number of inexperienced rookies, and we are holding onto the same strategy! it is going to be a great year!

As for me, there is little I enjoy more than being out there. Sure, I would like to be out on a hockey rink somewhere giving it a go, but at may age most hockey players are retired! I suppose I am as well. This is fun enough….plus when I played hockey I wasn’t allowed to drink Diet Pepsi all through the game, while here I am!

Anyway, it is off to bed for me. I am excited about tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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