Averaging 3.5 dogs currently per blessing……….

Apparently I am not meant to remember all that well lately! As I mentioned earlier, I have started the indoor lacrosse season, but that shouldn’t be slowing me down. We will see. Give me a few days to get my ship righted!!

Of course I am only aware of a few people who read this with any regularity, and of the ones I know, most would be too polite to say “Hey dufus, get with the program.” (Everyone probably thinks it, but I have a pretty mannered following!) I do remember why I do this, and it is good for me. It just needs to be good for me a little more often if I am using it to measure my recovery.

For any who do not know, originally this was to be a thematic posting of issues I face as a priest, and the happenings in the larger Church. But that whole stroke thing interfered with that plan, so I began to use this as a way to remember, creatively write, and therapeutically (self-induced) force myself into full-function. As we can all see, I have a bit to go, but if I go back to where I started I could not even imagine being here today. I still struggle, but am amazing comparatively!

Today Amanda and Ben and I were in both Nashville and Kokomo for two of the five Blessing of the Animals services that I will be doing through Monday. Today I blessed only 7 dogs, which is about one dog for every 100 miles driven today, but it is one of my favorite services. Tomorrow there will be two more…..one in Westfield at 3 and one in Anderson at 4:30. Monday will see me in Greenfield at 7pm. So far no cats, no lizards, no snakes (other than Ben) and no rodents. I may just hop the fence at a farm on my way home and bless a few horses and cows!

Anyway, we are home and getting ready for bed. We are well-traveled and worn out! It has been a blessed day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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