
Wow, after over 20 years in the ministry, and after making jokes about it for the entire time, last night I finally ALMOST got peed on while blessing a dog. Being a dog breeder myself, I suppose I should be honored that this dog really wanted to mark me as his own, but in reality I think he should have just sent me a note! He missed due to my quick action, and ironically he was the last animal blessed out of five services at all our missions! It really was the perfect way to end the run!

This year it was mostly dogs, but we did have four cats show up in Anderson, two kittens and two adults. It was a fun adventure with very few mishaps. We did have a couple of labs pull down their owner in the parking lot in Westfield, AND our youngest dog, Bernard, did get car sick on me and all over my car (30 seconds from home) on Sunday. But all in all it was a great weekend.

We are now back to the regular schedule for all our missions. I hope to see all these pets again in just one short year!

A dry goodnight my friends, and God Bless!


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