Slowing down…….finally!

Today was the last day of the “Ben and Dad Show,” at least for now……and it did not slow me down one bit today at all. He and I were both at St. Patrick’s today as well as Christ the King in Kokomo. And, had he not a date with his mom to walk in the late afternoon, he would have hit a few other stops with me as well. It was a fun day.

Tonight I finally have a night at home, and I am glad…..I have been tired all day long. There are times when things all seem to run together, and I am thankful for the break. Tomorrow will be a similar day, stuff to do, just not overwhelming!

I am thankful for the opportunities that God gives me to do what I do….I even thank Him for the busy times. It may seem like a lot, as it does sometimes to me as well, but I’d rather have a lot to do than a little. There’s an old line about that, but all that comes to mind is that “the busy bird catches the worm,” which even I know is not right! Perhaps that is a signal that sleep is not too far away!

So goodnight my friends and God Bless. I will catch you all tomorrow.


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