Oh my oh my…I am a caveman!

Like most everyone I know, I carry a cell phone. I suppose it’s no big deal, but mine is connected to the Church so that every call that comes in is directed to me immediately. We have no real office or secretary, so it is certainly the best we can do. But with all the use, I occasionally need a new phone, and though I am about a month away from trading mine in, I went to the store today to take a look at what has changed.

Of course the store was filled with people who were on their phones….some texting and some talking. It brought to mind how different things have become over the years. For instance, when I was my older kids’ age we did have phones, but they were all corded, they all had rotary dials, and we didn’t have voice mail or recorders. If you wanted to talk with someone you needed to wait until they picked up the phone, and knowing their every move, thought and location was something we only imagined in science-fiction!

I was involved in a ton of calls today and even texts. Times have changed. But boy oh boy I still long for the old days. I really don’t need to be that connected. I guess I am just a dinosaur!

Goodnight from the prehistoric times my friends and God Bless.


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