Win Win Win…..

Oh of course indoor lacrosse has started, and tonight both our women’s teams won, as well as Scotty’s team. My daughter’s boyfriend plays for the other Noblesville men’s team, and he mentioned they were beaten, but indoor is really in our programs about development….not necessarily about the end!

It reminded me of life itself. We often live this life thinking about the end-all, when in fact it is just preparation for something else……eternal life. Oh but we are impatient creatures! We want it all now….we like things all wrapped up and the answers in our own time.

But we are not really in charge. This life is practice, and though important, just the development for the next! Take it seriously….it matters. But know we will only be at our best down the line!

Sports has often been a good teacher for me and I am thankful for its witness. Friday however will see no games….I will have to make something up!!! 😉

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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