With the boys doing “Man-Stuff”

Although my dance career, or at least dance-watching career is over, apparently my wife’s is not. Tonight she is down in Indianapolis with some friends at what I think was called, “So you think you can dance,” or something like that. I believe it is some kind of TV show, but I cannot be sure. The important thing is that she is happy, and that I am not watching dancers.

So with Steph at work, and Scotty with a rare Sunday night off, Ben and Scott and I went to Red Robin for dinner. Red Robin was their choice and it was great, particularly in that there we no men in tights, nor a lady sitting next to me going “oooohh and ahhhh” (not Amanda) to everything happening in front of us. It was just the boys doing “man stuff,” you know, eating fries with ketchup, throwing crayons on the floor and drinking from sippy-cups. We ad a ball.

But it is now 10:30 and I am exhausted. I have been able to watch some Colts (God’s second favorite pro team) football with my boys, but I am not too hopeful I can make it to the end….plus it is not a Bears game. They could stay up forever, I have to give it up! There is no show called,”So you think you can stay up longer than your boys.” Off to bed I go!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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