Holy Smokes Batman, I am getting forgetful……

Okay, it took a call from Deacon Dan Conley tonight as I was on my way home from Chicago to inform me that I had not posted since last SUNDAY. If I could have pulled over and posted right then I would have, because forgetting bothers me more than you could ever know. I like to think of myself as “sharp” or “hip” or “with it” as you young people say these days……..but clearly I am about as sharp as a big red rubber ball!

But this week has been a busy week. In addition to many regular duties I have done, I also said good-bye to a friend. On Wednesday, Deacon PT called me to the home of his aunt and uncle, where his Uncle Earl, had accidentally shot and killed himself wile cleaning a gun in his garage. Earl and his wife Barbara are both parishioners at St. Anne’s, and it was a real tragedy. PT and I both said prayers in the garage, though separately because PT got there first, before the funeral home came to get Earl. But what strikes me so deeply is the character of the people I work with. I know it must have been incredibly hard for PT there with his Uncle, but he stepped up to care for his Aunt and family. We are all blessed to have that kind of man as clergy.

Our good buddy Mike Sams (from St. Patrick’s) also had a pretty extensive knee surgery this week as well. I saw him before surgery and PT saw him after. When I spoke to him tonight on the phone, he was talking about being in church tomorrow! That kind of lunacy is what makes what we do so great! And as a member of the extensive knee surgery club myself, I will be happy to welcome him as a member in the morning!

On a last but not least note, I spoke to my dear friend and parishioner Jo Piece tonight. Jo and her mother Flo were in California at the beginning of the week to intern her father, Harold, in a military cemetery in Riverside. I tried and tried to find a priest out there that I knew to do it, and ALMOST had a Bishop there, but he was traveling that day. So the burial went exclusively to the military, and looked back to the service we had here. Military services however, are oh so important, and I have the deepest respect for them. I was within INCHES of enlisting at 17 in the Marines, and often regret that I didn’t (shame on that recruited for lying to me and doubting that call). But those who serve our country, Harry included, deserve our utmost respect. It is an honor to know them, and for me, an honor to be the priest to send him to his resting place among so many other heroes of our nation. May God grant them all eternal rest!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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