Denise???? No no no….DA Niece, but not DA nephew……..

Oh sure, I am aware I did not post yesterday.  That would be something that I would take so very personally only a few months ago, but it now reminds me of Jesus asking that if your cow fell into a ditch on the Sabbath if you would just leave it there.  My rules were running my life, and in turn I was not living too much of it without stressing myself.  It was not a good model for me, so as long as I understand the reasons I do things, I believe I should do them just fine…..such is the case of this post tonight.

In all honesty, yesterday was VERY VERY BUSY and I even spent part of it out of state, though the reasons for that are
still not public.  And, to make it even more complicated, my niece Kayla (the daughter of Amanda’s sister Rhonda) flew in to stay with us 10 days!!!  She is 9.  So nothing about yesterday was normal, but a lot of it was a BLAST.  Kayla is like a daughter to us, and before Rhonda moved out west all of us were together just about all of the time.  It was often like I was married to TWO women, in that they both were always irritated with me and always around.  (I know there is a lot more to marriage, but that was all I can remember).  But Rhonda and Kayla moved to Arizona, and now live in Utah as Rhonda has remarried and she and her husband Jared now have our nephew Logan.  Logan did not make the trip as he is just three, but no worries…..Kayla is having a fine time despite that.

The kicker is my mother-in-law who is here now for the summer.  She now has both Ben and Kayla and it is a hoot.  In fact, the three of them are all going to downtown Indianapolis and staying in a hotel for three full days beginning tomorrow.   It is her “Spoiling Retreat” for sure.  And as the son-in-law I will not only not get involved, but get out of the way.  Mr. “I can’t be away from my mommy” is bagging even her to head off to parts unknown with his Nanny.  Who am I to mess with that kind of power?

But what I am finding is the joy of seeing and being around my niece again.  She is such a wonderful kid and I love her more than I could ever describe.  We still goof off and kid around, and it reminds me of how much I have missed that.  So tonight’s picture is of her and Ben, with Amanda, where I stopped and took them for ICE CREAM, but more than that…..BEFORE DINNER.  She is a delight, and now there are just nine days.  But I am just thankful she is here and that she remembers us and is doing well. There was zero adjustment to her being here……and that is the very best marker for family.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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