Catching up……..

I have often heard that our God is a God of second chances, but He would be way beyond that if He was indeed the One making sure I got onto this daily to post. Thankfully my salvation is not tied to this……if it were I would no doubt be looking to an eternity of shoveling coal into some fiery furnace, or worse yet, a Colts fan (yep, that one is for you Danny!)

But lest I turn this blog into a rambling about my stroke-infested memory or my inability to remember anything other than I keep forgetting, let me say that things are going marvelously here in Indiana. My family has all turned the corner and have been restored to health. Our churches are in the process of some major changes that will lead us into a new era of ministry in the future. My lacrosse team is hanging tough in the indoor league, which we use as a developmental league, and the rookies are enjoying learning the game and becoming part of a team. AND, I am clearly I am getting taller and smarter. I thank God for all of it….including the delusions.

I have a busy day for tomorrow planned and I am hoping to see it go smoothly. Keep me in your prayers…….lest I am wrong and stumble. After all, who would ever want to spend eternity in Colt’s blue?

Goodnight and God Bless……and Go Bears!


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