Oh Monday Monday……

There is so much happening here on the home front I almost cannot stand it. Yes the kids and I are all alive, but it is rather difficult managing everything by myself, including my job. I am actually quite productive when Amanda is gone, and that probably stems from not being assigned any projects from her. But I do have to say that it sure is different.

We are in the process of moving our church’s affiliation out of CANA (Convocation of Anglicans in North America) and into AMiA (The Anglican Mission in the Americas). Our clergy and board voted unanimously to make the move, and felt it was a good time to do so.

The move has nothing to do with dissatisfaction anywhere. In fact, both CANA and AMiA are part of the newly formed Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). It is just that as the ACNA continues to form, many of the groups who came together to form it (like CANA) will fade away. AMiA on the other hand will remain in existence within it, like a Holy Order (remember the Jesuits in the Roman Church). And since AMiA identifies itself STRONGLY with church planting, and since that is really all we do, we thought it was a good way to profess and preserve our DNA. Pray for us….transitioning between big organizations can be overwhelming, even if both our churches! Our CANA bishop has given us his blessing, so my hope is that all is well on its way!

Anyway, enough for now. Ben and I need to play! I hope your day has been as blessed as mine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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