Amanda and her travels…..

My wife called this afternoon (the morning for her) from the conference she is attending in Arizona and said she thought she was getting sick. She didn’t know if it was a migraine or the flu, but in this day and age I do not suppose it matters. All I know was that she was heading back to her hotel room to lay down. Subsequent calls to her revealed no progress at all. Keep her in your prayers. There are not too many things worse than being sick away from home.

As for me, I am still getting a lot done. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork…to it there seems no end. But I do feel I am making progress. I figure by the time I retire (from the ordained ministry) I may be close to done!

But for now I think I will wrestle with Mr. Incredible a bit before we call his mom. He has been a great sport, and jumping on me and playing with our toys will be a great way to end the day!

Keep Amanda in your prayers! We appreciate it!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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