The End of an Intentional 10 Day Break…….

My apologies….I probably should have notified readers I was taking a short, but intentional hiatus from writing BEFORE I took it, but the best laid plans sometimes just do not pan out. The good news is that I am back, rejuvenated and refreshed. I should be back on the wagon from this point on.

Today Ben and I are at home. Yesterday, on the way home from Bloomington where we are in the beginning of the process of planting a Campus Ministry Fellowship at Indiana University, my oil light went on with the big word “STOP” flashing on my dash. We stopped (Fr. Hicks, Deacon Morgan, and I) and checked the oil. Somehow the car had lost its oil, and the check engine light was on as well. To make a long story short, we were able to get it to a VW dealer in Indy who couldn’t fix it till MONDAY (I need to be at a meeting in Ohio Sunday night through Tuesday morning), so I had to have it towed up to the VW dealer by where I live. They will hopefully be able to repair it today. Keep me and my car in your prayers! It is my lifeline to all the places I go!

But there is always a blessing, even in the storm. I cannot drive anywhere without it….and that means to the babysitter too. Yep, Ben and I get to hang out all day. Of course I would have been feeling much more blessed had he not decided to wake up so early, but we will have fun regardless.

Anyway, with all that is going on, I will probably post again later today….perhaps as a part of a transportation fundraiser to raise the approximately 6 million dollars it is going to take to fix my car! But for now I need to start moving the appointments I had already scheduled for today.

Keep praying! I appreciate it more than you know!


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