Of cars, the lack of moola, and God’s abundant blessings,,,,,,,,

It seems to me that if I pay all that money to get my car repaired that it would drive differently (and yes I mean a more luxurious ride)than it did before I paid…..but alas, it seems to be the same car I had. Not that I am complaining of course. I loved my car then and I love it now. I am glad to have it out of the shop and took it to both St. Patrick’s today and to Christ the King in Kokomo (okay, and also the Sonic in Kokomo because I was with my wife the addict). It ran like a champ, and it makes me pretty darn confident about it running the long distances over the next few days.

I will actually be in Westfield and Anderson tomorrow before heading to Ohio in the late afternoon. It should be a pretty good day for me, especially in that my sermon is done and I hopefully will have a good night’s rest. I have been feeling out of sorts as of late, and I am sure a lot of it has to do with stress. Yep, even I, with my boring, easy-going, nothing ever happens, slothful and mundane life, get stressed! Yes that is meant to be funny….I live a pretty stressful existence much of the time….but by choice. I like it when things are busy and flying around. I love accomplishing things too. But I could do without the feeling off these past few days, and I pray it will leave me by morning.

Anyway, I will stop complaining and get to bed. Tomorrow is a new day and I have my car! For all of it I am thankful. The Lord blesses us even amidst the storms, big OR small. And I still know I am truly blessed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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