Greetings this evening from the Buckeye State…….

I am posting at 11pm from Ohio, and I am happy to be here. In truth, I never thought I would make it. I knew I wasn’t feeling great last night, but I just thought it was the need for sleep. But after two services today, and the long drive looming, I thought it would be best to stop in at the Minute Clinic just in case. I am glad I did. My headache and sore throat turned out to be a sinus infection AND strep throat.

What surprises me is that I have never had strep before, and the test really was just a precaution. But instead of being here in a hotel with a fever and miserable, I am stable (at least physically) and should be fine by the morning. They gave me the nuclear option for an antibiotic (only three days) and I feel tons better.

Of course as a priest of many years, I have often done services under the weather. We are taught from the beginning of our careers how to work without getting sick, or spreading it too. I was ultra cautious today, and am glad I was. I really did believe it was just a headache and allergies. I am not happy to be wrong, but pleased I was cautious in dealing with others this morning.

Anyway, me and my medicine laden body are heading to bed. Tomorrow is not just a new day, but a day I am looking forward to. I am tired, but blessed. AND, I can sleep till noon if I need to….right, that never happens!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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