Safe, and at home…….

Well I made it……it was a beautiful drive across the sunny farmland of both Ohio and Indiana…..all until I was 20 miles from home and hit the rain. It has rained all day too, but as Dorothy says, “There’s no place like home.” Dor 3:16 (yes, my wife is from Kansas where they revere her as a saint)

I did manage to meet up with my VW adviser too at about 3pm. We talked at 7:30 and he said to drive it home, and he was right. A six hour drive to spend another hour at the VW dealer to reset the warning light after checking it out and telling me it was okay was WELL worth it! I was pretty worried, and getting home with that off my plate was wonderful!

Of course the fact that I cannot infect anyone will be a lot more cool when my throat heals. And I am not just healing, but the strep took most of my energy! A little rest will do the trick I am sure, and this is the last thing I am doing before bed just before midnight.

But in the end, despite the detours in my life, the road is almost always paved with blessings. Ben is next to me because he just HAD TO sleep in our bed, and my late arrival under the covers means his feet are plowed under him mom’s side and not mine. But I am glad to be here. I have a great life and there really is no place like home for me!

Goodnight (Ben’s feet free – so far but it will not last) and God Bless! (He is moving back now!)


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