Getting plenty done, but dogging it……..

Ben and I spent most of the morning traveling around picking up a few papers I needed signed in order to make a mailing deadline that I set for myself. He was a real trooper, talking to me most of the time, and seemingly enjoying all he could see out his window.

It was good to have time with him, though it was not wrestling time. Yes, even in Indiana we have laws about wrestling in the car while it is moving. And on the way from Anderson back to his babysitter we stopped at our veterinarian’s office where we are frequent visitors being dog breeders and all, and Ben was able to lay on the floor and stick his arm into a pile of Cavalier puppies! He thought it was pretty cool, and the puppies did as well.

I was able to get everything mailed off later on, and was pretty pleased with all I accomplished today. I know I am no longer contagious, and I know my throat is almost completely healed, but in truth, I feel like a total dog (no, this is not an intentional attempt of working the dog theme throughout….it is just an Indiana expression, like “God, Country, and Peyton Manning.”) I just cannot find the energy. I feel totally whooped!

With that, I think I will call it a day. I have an early and full day tomorrow, and I hope to make big gains sleeping tonight.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless! I hope you have had a wonderful day.


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