Balto Balto Balto……….

My son Ben, as so many toddlers do, is into a different theme every few months. We have been through Veggietales, Lightening McQueen and Cars, Buzz Lightyear, and now Balto, the sled dog who is immortalized in the animated movie that bears his name.

Though it is “based” on a true story, it is heavily embellished. Balto, though depicted as part wolf, really was just a Siberian Huskey. The real Balto was the lead dog of a team that ran the last leg of a relay that brought diphtheria medicine in the 1920’s across Alaska to save a snowed in Nome. Other teams and dogs ran and led the route (which is now commemorated each year in the running of the Iditarod), but Balto running as the lead of the last team got the glory.

Really, ALL the dogs were heroes. The real workhorse was a dog named Togo who led the team that ran the hardest and one of the longest legs through mountains. It was the most dangerous part of the journey. But the most amazing part was that the medicine got through….many lives were saved.

It got me thinking, wouldn’t it be great if people could be as focused on the prize? We often get so tied up in recieveing credit or praise that we often lose sight of the most imporatnt parts, and that’s a shame. I have no specific examples, because there are just so many.

The real Balto was hailed a hero, but then expolited for money. At one point a businessman from Cleveland, Ohio bought Balto and his team and they spent their last days living the lives they deserved at the Cleveland Zoo. AND if you go there today you can see the real Balto Himself……he was taxidermized after his death and is still on display (you can even see him online). A statue of him is also erected in Central Park in New York.

I suppose this may be an odd post for my blog, but it has been on my mind. Lot’s of good always comes from doing things for others and from the right reasons. Maybe we can learn a bit from a dog! I know I have!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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