Musical Tables!!

Tonight we went to Logan’s Roadhouse to enjoy a dinner together. Scotty and I got there first and reserved a table for us, Amanda, Ben, Steph, and her boyfriend Sam. As we were waiting, Amanda called and said that Sam could not make it. So Scotty, who unbelievably conscientious, went up to the hostess and asked for a smaller table. They were quite crowded, and it seemed the honorable thing to do.

After Amanda, Steph and Ben arrived, we were sitting at our cozy little table when Steph heard from Sam…..he was coming, so we immediately asked for a larger table in a very crowded restaurant. After about 10 minutes they were able to move us to a larger table, which we were so happy to get to……and at the moment my butt hit the chair it happened. That’s right, Sam called and now couldn’t make it, so we immediately asked for our old table again (before it was cleaned).

Our waitress was a saint, and we were so blessed to have her. Ben was just being 2, the people at the neighboring tables I am certain thought we were nuts, and we seemed to be just along for the ride. BUT, we were all together and had fun. It was too bad to miss Sam. He’s a great guy, and it would have been fun to have him there. I suppose we will wait until after the holiday break though. And maybe the next time we will head to the Texas Roadhouse. We like the food there too, and the people there don’t think were nuts!

Off to enjoy the kids! Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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