
Yes, my life is jacked.  I have had computer issues, restore issues, now PHONE ISSUES, and I just can’t seem to catch a break.  I JUST received a bunch of important VOICEMAILS which will now require a few apology calls in the morning.  My wife keeps saying GO GET A DIFFERENT PHONE, but we can just not afford it.  So I will make the calls and tough it out, hoping to win the lottery someday (I will have to force myself to buy a ticket I suppose as I do not play the lottery).  But something will happen to rectify all of this, it always does.

But as I type, I have my iphone4 (not the newest version) downstairs right NEXT TO the router hoping for some type of upgrade miracle.  In the meantime, Amanda and I have worked our butts off in the yard planting and mulching and me taking a lot of breaks inconspicuously staring at her doing all that work.  She did the replanting and I did the mulch.  Of 13 yards I still have at least half to go.

Ben, on the other hand, is still on his little trip with Nanny and Kayla, and Amanda had to call THEM tonight as he apparently hasn’t missed her enough to call.  His Nanny (grandma) has kept us informed, but in all honesty I am smart enough as to not trust her either as they clearly are ALL on her side and would probably let me “sleep with the fishes” in order to run off with her.  It’s okay though because they will have children someday and I WILL BE THE GRANDPARENT THEN……payback is, as they say, a fish, or something like that.

But now that I am done typing and the kids are not home, I am sure that my bride is in our room, no doubt, with a bunch of candles lit and hell bent on rubbing my back and telling me how handsome I am and how lucky she is.   I am sure that’s it………

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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