Crashing….crashing again!

Today has been a busy day, but one that is seeing me crash, or should I say re-crash, at the end of it. Though I endured and enjoyed a bit of traveling through the morning and afternoon, by 6pm not only were my beloved Chicago Bears being destroyed right before my eyes, but my throat became as sore as it was two weeks ago and my head is killing me! I have heard that lots of people who get strep get it again pretty quick, and with all I have going on, I will be sure to stop in at my doc’s for a quick swipe of the throat tomorrow. My voice was leaving me all day, but my throat never hurt. Somehow things have changed.

But the good part is that it slowed me down. I was able to not just watch the game with Ben, but also a Tinkerbell movie on Disney Channel and Balto. He like popcorn and ate a ton of it too. I kept asking him to give me some out of the great big bowl he had in font of him too, but clearly he was not looking to share. Two year olds crack me up.

But as for me, I am ready for a load of Motrin and warm bed. It will be good to get some sleep!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless! Thanks for checking in.


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