Lord have mercy!!

There’s a ride in one of the theme parks I went to as a kid called “Disaster Transport.” Somehow I feel as if I have been riding it all night too.

We have a room downstairs that needs to be drywalled and floored. I am pretty handy most days, and wanted to get a lot of it done this evening, seeing as Stephanie will be having some friends over to stay the night tomorrow night for her birthday (it’s on Saturday). We have the drywall and the flooring in the finished part of the basement though, in the same part they will all be sleeping tomorrow.

Not a hard job, eh? No, not usually. BUT tonight it was! I nicked a pipe in a wall, which though irritating, is really no big deal. I have all the equipment and knowledge to cut pipe, solder, and repair any trouble I can get into. But the nick was too close to the ceiling, so I had to rip out some of that…yep, that I had already finished! And THEN, to make matters all the worse, our main shut off for the water would not turn the supply all the way off. I had to go to the meter out by the street, just to get the lines clear to cut.

Oh sure, it gets worse! We had done so much work at Christ the King, that all my tools and supplies, like the plumbing ones, were back in their right place in the garage. I am glad that they were here, because they had not been here that long, BUT finding all the right parts and tools was pretty stressful. The good news is that the pipes are repaired, the room is all dried up (mostly) and I still have my religion.

The bad news is that I am way behind, my hands are bleeding, and I now have a ceiling to do too. It could be worse…..but certainly not too much!

But in truth, I love figuring things out, and when I need to think on my feet like tonight, I am happy to see I still can. Tomorrow will certainly be a challenge, but I will be up to it. No complaining, just looking ahead……all to finish a room that we will do nothing but store stuff in! Go figure!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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