The Last Day……..

Yep, tomorrow my daughter turns 18, and though I am oh so very proud of her, it is killing me. It is but yet another marker of my ever-changing life, and though I am quite ready for Ben to be potty-trained, I am not too sure about this one! She is technically an adult at midnight!

Of course tonight at lacrosse didn’t help things. We were playing Carmel and one of our captains had a diamond stud through the side of her nose! I asked her about it. All the players loved it, and Stephanie asked, “Daddy, do you think I should get one?” And I said, just like I always do, “You cannot do anything like that at all until you are 18!” It’s actually a law here in Indiana too! Katie, the one who had the diamond just laughed and said, “that’s exactly what my mom said!” Of course she just turned 18 herself!

So the rest of that conversation went downhill. They teasingly said they were going to get someones ID and get it done before midnight…..but I doubted that very much. I still have quite a bit of pull since I can still bench them.

Anyway, tomorrow is the big day and I am certain I will have a lot to report….I mean if I survive the night!

Keep me in your prayers. My daughter will confess that I am the real life version of the character that Steve Martin played in “The Father of the Bride.” I hope to make it that far!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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