
Yep, she made it. Stephanie turned 18 and it has been an eventful day. Her sleepover ended with breakfast this morning. Amanda had worked a long time on a quilt she was making Stephanie, and she gave it to her at the breakfast. It was a pretty great way to start the day.

Then, Stephanie, Scott, and I went to see my mom in the nursing home. She was incredibly depressed. It was the afternoon, but she was still in bed crying. She has Alzheimer’s and needs to be there, but she is certainly with it enough to know she doesn’t want to be. Her birthday was yesterday and she turned 70. She did not know it was her birthday and it depressed her even more to know she was 70. Visiting her is almost always hard and full of guilt. I always feel especially sorry for Stephanie. It’s always quite the contrast from celebrating her birthday. But the kids do great, and understand. I just hope they never have to deal with something like that with anyone else.

We ended the afternoon with a birthday dinner at Red Robin. There were 8 of us there and we enjoyed our time together. But now is just her time. Next year she will be away at school and there is perhaps the possibility that every year from now on we may just be making a call to her for the day.

But I cannot help but think what a wonderful daughter I have and how I have enjoyed the last 19 December fifths. Life changes and this is a big one. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to be in her life and she in mine. What a wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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