
Yep, tonight we engaged in an annual family tradition. Scott and I moved furniture and the kids helped get the Christmas stuff out of the attic, and now Steph and Amanda are setting up the Christmas tree and decorate it. Of course Scott, Ben, and I will be allowed to put on some obligatory ornaments, though we are expecting, as always that they will be relocated later then to their proper place on the tree.

The good part of it all is that the boys now can enjoy themselves not doing the “decorating” while the girls get their time doing just that….decorating! To me it is a win win, and for it I am thankful.

Of course after all the decorations are put out our boy time will change again. It will be time to store the boxes and containers until we bring them back out to store this stuff all over again….in just a few short weeks. It is an endless cycle and gives just a little bit of credibility to those guys who leave the Christmas lights on their houses all year long.

Anyway, I am thankful for the system we do have here. I do not mind the “man”ual labor… is far better than the decorating. And in all honesty, Steph and Amanda don’t just enjoy it, but they do a great job. It’s really a fun night upon which we all contribute that produces a great result. We all feel very blessed!

Anyway, I am going to go try and put on an ornament incorrectly so I get kicked out of the area. It works every time, and for that I am thankful as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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