The aftermath…..

Amanda leaves fro Pennsylvania for a couple of days for work in the morning, but in her wake she leaves a path of incredible Christmas decoration evidence. There are now snowmen looking at me from every part of the house, which I find rather creepy, and other strange Kansas-based traditions that have me worried. After all, most deranged criminal-types come from there, and it quite possibly has to do with snowmen and other oddities. One can never be too careful.

If there were just a few things it would be no big deal. I would just start handing them to Ben for him to accidentally break on purpose while she is gone. But there must 100 different things, and they are multiplying. We now even have a “snowman tree” where apparently the worst of our snowmen are hung. I cannot think of any other reason to have such a thing. I am just happy she seems to be pleased with me!

Anyway the decorating, though still in mid-stream, is much farther along than last night and may even be done by the weekend. I hope so too. The sooner it is done the longer I have until we take it down. Frosty needs to get back up in the attic!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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