“Oh the weather outside is frightful……….”

WOW…it is cold, icy, and windy here……not the kind of weather you want to fly in, but that’s exactly what Amanda did this morning. She flew to Pennsylvania. The wind storm is following her, along with the cold and the ice. She will fly back in it tomorrow.

In the meantime, the kids and I have full reign here in the house. We are not making a mess or anything like that, but we are having blast. We spent some time tonight trying to get Ben out of “cartoon mode,” particualrly “Toy Story.” He cannot walk two feet without cowboy boots on, and everything he puts in his hand, and I mean everything, he holds over his head and shouts “to infinity and beyond!” It was a real attention getter tonight at the restaurant with his crayons. And, it will make a great story when he is an adult.

Amanda will be home tomorrow and things will return to normal here. We are all looking forward to it too, especially Ben. After all, we are mainly his audience……but his mom is just his!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless! Stay warm!!


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