The Return of the Mommy…..

Thank God she is home! It’s not that we cannot handle things here without her, it’s that Ben can’t. Having a 2 year old give you 100% all the time makes it hard to get anything done. But when Amanda is home he concentrates about 85% upon her!

All kidding aside, they miss each other, and once together they just tune out the world! It is really fun to see too. It is a real treat to see that kind of devotion…..even when you are not included!

Tonight (and then tomorrow) the Fall indoor lacrosse leagues finish up. Scotty played tonight in the tournament. They won the first game, but lost the second. And after the girls play tomorrow night we will get to take a break! There will be no more lacrosse for at least a few weeks!!

Anyway, it is good to have things back to at least OUR NORMAL. I am sure Ben will be sleeping with us…..with his head snuggled next to his mom and his feet on me. That’s his normal sleeping position. But I will love it and am just thankful for the opportunity. It’s just good to all be home. I sleep a lot better knowing we are all together!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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