Almost the Trinity…….

As it almost always is, I made it to two of our churches today……Christ the King and Holy Spirit. We do not have one named for just the Father, so I suppose I will always fall a bit short on these Sundays in terms of a full-Trinity tour. It was however a great day, and one that I leave tonight feeling quite satisfied with.

Stephanie got her acceptance letter from Purdue yesterday, so she is “in” at least somewhere. We have some lacrosse coaches looking at her, and she will make some visits I am sure, but it gives me chest pains because it is a lot to do in just a few short months. Stephanie is just like me at this age…..she will let the pressure get real high and come out smelling like a rose. I have confidence in that, though I hate it. I think I am going to make a few calls and visits and apologize to my family for putting them through it 30 years ago.

Scott, on the other hand, is ahead of the game. He, like I did, doesn’t take high school as seriously as he should, but he is really into the college thing. He has already been to a college fair and receives stuff all the time. He already thinks he would like to attend Ball State and that makes my chest feel much better. Ben is quite a few years to go before any decision is made, but at this point he will probably be entering the Star Command to protect the universe from the Evil Emperor Zurg. He is all about Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story. So an engineer, a teacher, and a space ranger. I am doing well as a dad.

But for now I think I will call it a day. They are still all my kids tomorrow, and I am going to need my energy!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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