Should I be green or not……….

I was reading today about some flashcards that help you learn about doing your part for the environment. One of the questions asked, “which is greener, to be obese and out of shape or slim and healthy?” I’ll admit, I got this one wrong. The answer said it was obese people, because they die younger and therefore use less resources over the course of their lives!

Here’s the cards:

epic fail pictures
see more Epic Fails

Dear Lord, I am so confused because I realized I may, by my dieting (and especially when surrounded by Christmas cookies), making choices which are unbelievably politically incorrect. Who knew that God giving me this body and taking care of it was such an irresponsible choice?

Of course I do not find this bit of news as disturbing as the part right above it that mentions that flushing unused medications down the toilet is creating addicted fish. I can think of no worse problem than that. Drugs in schools should disturb us all, especially schools of fish. How can we all just say no to that?

Clearly the lunatics are attempting to run the asylum, and I am not willing to let that happen. It is a big reason I have made many of the life-choices I have, and clearly a good reason to continue.

Pray for the insanity to stop. And as for me, I will continue to diet and exercise. My apologies to the lunatics……I intend to be around for a long time!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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