This is why I do not go to museums………..

Museums apparently make Ben sick. At least that is my take I have on it. Amanda and Ben went to the Children’s Museum this morning along with our babysitter and another little girl, and after having a blast for an hour or two Ben got sick in the middle of the food court…..all over his mom.

Of course getting barfed on by your kids is just a normal part of being a parent. But in these times of pretty scary flu going around, you can imagine our concern. Ben came back home where I already was waiting, and he hung out in the basement with me while I did some work. He got some juice, some Motrin, and some rest. And although he still is running a fever, we are thankful it has been relatively low. He will be sleeping with us tonight, not just because he is sick, but because he has his mom in the palm of his hand!

It doesn’t surprise me. He’s pretty smart, hanging out in the museum and all. I will head up to bed and see how he is doing. I probably can learn a lot from him……last time I was that sick she talked to me through the door! He is a pro I tell ya!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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