Not feeling too crafty tonight……..

One of the challenges of “doing church” the way that we do is that we do not own some big building to store things in. I certainly would love to have one, but last I checked they still cost money, and a lot of money at that. So we store things here and there, and for the most part we get by pretty well. Our house has quite a few things stored here, so when we decided to give up dog breeding for a time, I decided to convert a room we used for whelping and grooming the dogs into a storage room for a lot of the stuff.

With my schedule it is hard to find a lot of time to do what is a pretty significant project. But I worked hard and late, and then just a couple of days ago, when I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I heard Stephanie and Amanda talking about Amanda’s new “craft room.” I of course was fascinated by their conversation. It must have been a dream of hers I thought for when we move……OH NO….they straightened me out! I apparently had been working my tail off on that craft room the whole time! If there was any fantasy at all it was that I was going to have a storage room for all that stuff.

The “craft room” officially opened tonight at 10. It has nothing in it, not even crafts. I knew I should not have painted it with leftover paint she had picked out, or put down that old (but nice0 flooring we had left over. I should have just painted the floor, put up white on the walls, and maybe some Chicago Bears poster to ward them off. It’s apparently all flowers and bunnies down there from this point on. It is hardly worth what I have done to my knees over the past week just to get a cross made from Popsicle sticks and a potholder. (I am just guessing….I have no idea what women do in craft rooms OR craft stores……I really don’t want to either)

As for me, tomorrow I am onto my next project. What it will be I do not know. I apparently need to be careful how I choose. You see, I am not sure what follows “craft room.” But “day spa” comes to mind……Lord we are heading in the wrong direction!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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