Of the Clergy and their wives…….

Tonight we had a great time with our spouses at our annual clergy/spouse (before) Christmas gathering. Food and drink, great company, and a time to relax with each other rather than concentrating on the work. It was a great time.

It brings to mind how blessed I am, and really how blessed this ministry is. It’s more than just the guys who are called to work in it, it is a great group of wives who step up and out to support all they do. We certainly don’t recognize them enough, but without them I am certain we would be far less than we are now.

With that insight, I am going to call it a day. The annual “Children’s Christmas Cookie Decorating at Our House and Making a Big Royal Mess Where We Will Find Sprinkles in Our Furniture for Months Extravaganza” is tomorrow. It is a blast, but lots of work. It’s one of my wife’s big things. Pray for us….there will be about 20 kids. It is going to be a wild time!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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