The paradox of today…..

Although people SAY this is the shortest day of the year, it certainly does not feel like it. I am exhausted, and it is still before 9. Somehow I still have a whole lot of work here to do on my plate as well. I am plugging away at it, but I feel more like I am treading water than making progress. Some days I don’t need a clone, I need many clones….today is such a day.

I suppose when I look back realistically on the day I will see something far different from how I currently feel. It always seems to work that way, but it is frustrating when in the midst of it. It’s like traveling in fog or a blizzard….it all looks the same until you get to where you are going. I like progress…..but I also like to see how it’s going. Today I apparently cannot have both!

For now however I am going to get Ben to bed, and Scotty and I will take the tables we used for the St. Patrick’s cookie decorating party back to the church. I am excited because it will be a tangible move. Oh for this small bit of clarity! It will be a great way to end the day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless, on this, the shortest, but clearly the longest day of the year!


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