Boxing Day……

I know they call this day “Boxing Day,” but I have never understood why. Amanda and I have been home all day and she has not hit me once. Strange customs just do not make it into the Tirman home I guess.

Although I love Christmas, it is one of those difficult Holy Days for me, especially in that it messes up my concept of time. I spent all day today not really knowing what day it was, only to remember that I better have bulletins and a sermon ready for tomorrow. Fortunately for me I have been around the block a few times. It is now just about 6:30 and I am actually done.

I have to say Christmas was pretty meaningful to me this year. Next year Stephanie will be home from college and though I am quite proud of her, her leaving and living elsewhere will be hard on us. The three kids went in together this year and bought me a winter coat. It’s black of course, and one I can wear for work and causally. It was a tremendously thoughtful (and useful gift). My wife then gave me a very nice suitcase, which is also tremendously thoughtful. I am traveling a lot more for work, and I certainly need it. And thank God….it is also black! I have a great family.

Ben is now running around in an orange shirt, Spongebob boxers, and Woody/Buzz cowboy boots. If I didn’t know already about his personality, I would swear I was drinking too much! He is a hoot. Watching him will be a wonderful way to finish up boxing day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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