Praying for him to wake up……

Today is traditionally a “low Sunday” in the Church, meaning that attendance is low. Of course the snow and the ice did not help things, but I am happy to report we completed the Sunday! It certainly wasn’t crowded anywhere, but it was a very very meaningful day.

My wife is still working on organizing her “craft room” and my office, okay actually “our office” (there are two desks) that we share. Since we do not have a central office for St. Michael the Archangel, my office at home is essential. It is often the nerve center of all that we do here in Indiana.

As I sit here and type listening to the monitor, Ben is waking up… just a short minute he will start saying, “mommy, where are you?” Of course I know….she is downstairs creating more work for me in the office. I do hope he yells louder! After all, if he gets her to come upstairs there will be far less work for me!

A guy can dream, can’t he?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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